Sunday, September 30, 2007

As thoughts turn to Autumn

As thoughts turn now to Autumn, am now thinking about the dried material I collected from the Botanic Gardens.

Kristina contacted me to say there is more but was going away so I must make contact again, she will be back now. I have crumbled what Melissa I have and stored it in a cool dark cupboard waiting for the next process which will be to add dry and wet fixative.... and of course more dried raw material... I am going to need alot!

I have been thinking much this summer on the project on and off.. ie what is the shape, what is the background colour how am I going to approach the construction of the piece... all work in progress. Answers are beginning to at last arrive and settle which for me is a good sign, they are the right ones for this... Still technical issues to iron out, next is putting these thoughts onto paper... not too much or I will get bored. More a silhouette a blueprint for me to build on. Nothing is worse when everything is worked out ,there is no artistic freedom to move and change which I feel is key to keep this vibrant and alive...