Monday, June 11, 2007

Dore Abbey / the concert and perfume

Jeminas school held its annual music concert yesterday at Dore Abbey in the Golden Valley Herefordshire.

The Abbey is very beautiful inside and out. It lies in the heart of the Golden Valley. The Abbey was built in the 12th century 1147 to be exact and thus why I chose the piece for the girls to learn and sing. I thought it would be heavenly as the piece is the same age as the Abbey, I felt it would suit... it did. They sang the latin beautifully and the ornamentation in the melody was meticulously executed and beautiful high and ethereal. The piece was Hildegard von Bingens 'Columbe Aspexit'.

The weather was warm and clammy but inside the Abbey was cool and calming. Watching the rehearsal I sat near a rather beautiful flower display. As the music poured through the Abbey wafts of incredibly beautiful natural perfume from the flowers filtered the air in a blend of delicious redolence. Lilies, dogroses, stock, peonae wafted past my nostrils in tantalising sweet keen odour It was bliss. Staring up at the ancient wall paintings, and stained glass a feeling of deep happiness and peace held me.

My finest singer took the solo in Pie Jesu from and expt from Faures Requiem. I have been teaching her since Year 6 when she was just 12 . Her voice was pure strong and just beautiful. Tears came to my eyes. I was so proud of her and what she has achieved. Not to mention the fact she had just finished walking 16 kilometers that day to get her Duke of Edinburgh Award! This was her first coming out and all her family were there. She was so nervous and sought me out as soon as she arrived. I took her out into the field with Aimee and warmed them up and the let them sing the mediaeval piece then her solo. By then she had calmed down. Walking back to the Abbey I quietly spoke to her giving help ......

One of Mr E's best I think......Wonderful concert ..... well attended and beautfifully played by all.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful, and how I wish I had been there for such compelling beauty!

janita said...

there is such a deep spiritual feeling in places like this. Such history. The perfume was divine and floated gently on the air.
Thanks for posting Alfred.